The Cape Town Civil Society Conference invites Cape Town’s civil society organisations to reflect and share their experiences in mobilizing and influencing the urban environment. This includes initiatives related to various issues, from struggles around housing and service delivery, to the protection of habitat and biodiversity. Researchers are invited to discuss alliance building, movement formation and the democratization of urban space, including legacies from apartheid and contemporary challenges. Central is to give space for break-out groups, discussions and networking. The conference will be held on 6 June 2015 in the Chemical Engineering Building on UCT’s Upper Campus. Civil society organisations that would like to participate can RSVP on the website.
The conference builds on The Cape Town CIVNET Study lead by Dr Henrik Ernstson at the African Centre for Cities at UCT. During 2013 and 2014 his research team interviewed over 120 civil society organizations about their collaboration with other organizations and the issues they mobilize on. These organizations are now invited to the conference. Other civil society organisations are also encouraged to come and will be prepared a seat if space allows. We have a big lecture hall that we hope will fit all. Political parties, private businesses or trade unions will not participate in this event.
There are no fees for the conference or transport. Just bring your energies to discuss, listen and share.
We allow a maximum of two participants from each organisation and preference will be given to those who participated in The CIVNET Study. RSVP by 29 May 2015. Coffee and lunch included.
Mini-bus Taxis will pick up from 9 locations on Cape Flats:
- ▶ Langa – Gugu Sthebe (Washington Rd next to Langa Police station)
- ▶ Gugulethu – At police station NY1
- ▶ Nyanga – The Nyanga Community Health Clinic (opposite bus terminus) on Sithandatu Avenue
- ▶ Khayelitsha – Corner Mew Way and Lansdowne Road (foot of road going to N2)
- ▶ Khayelitsha – Nganini Police Station (New 1)
- ▶ Grassy Park – Bona Cafe (Victoria Rd Grassy Park)
- ▶ Vrygrond – Checkout Supermarket (Cnr 6 Ave and Dunster Str Belgravia, near Klipfontein Rd)
- ▶ Steenberg – Mosque in Concert Boulevard
- ▶ Lavender Hill – BP garage on Prince George Drive