Since 2016 ACC has been building a major postgraduate teaching agenda and offers two Masters Programmes:
1. MPHIL in Urban Studies — Southern Urbanism
In 2018 ACC launched a new MPhil in Southern Urbanism designed to provide a rigorous theoretical as well as methodological foundation in interdisciplinary urban studies. It is intended as a bridgehead into PhD-level research, producing skilled researchers able to conduct compelling doctoral research.
2. MA Sustainable Urban Practice
In 2021 ACC launched a Professional Masters programme aimed at mid-career practitioners from civil society, business and the public sector on sustainable urban practice. This course will follow a modularised model to enable working people to complete it on a part-time basis.
In addition, ACC has built educational partnerships with the following Universities worldwide:
1. Masters Exchange Programme: South Africa – Switzerland
ACC has also established a partnership with Basel University’s Masters in Critical Urbanism. The students from the programme complete a semester in Cape Town at ACC.
Visit this website to learn more:
2. Knowledge Exchange Mobility Project: Norway-India-South Africa
The NISA project is a transnational partnership between the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the School of Planning and Architecture in Delhi (SPA), India and the ACC. The aim of the partnership is knowledge exchange on localising SDGs in urban development. The project also has a student mobility component where students from the Urban Ecological Planning Masters programme at NTNU, along with Masters students from SPA and ACC participate in research studios in Kochi, India and Cape Town. Two students from SPA and two from ACC also spend two months in Trondheim at NTNU over the course of the 4 year project.
To learn more please visit: