Work with ACC
If you are interested in working with the African Centre for Cities there are several ways to get involved:
- Job vacancies
- Internships
- PhD positions
- Postdoctoral research fellow positions
- Visiting scholars
All job vacancies, internships, and PhD and postdoctoral positions will be formally advertised on the website. If no opportunities are listed here, none are available now.
Follow ACC on Twitter, Facebook and check back to this page for opportunities.
Job vacancies
Any vacancies for research, professional, administrative and support staff at the African Centre for Cities will be posted on the African Centre for Cities website and on the University of Cape Town website as they become available. All appointments will adhere to the policies and procedures of the University of Cape Town.
Internships at the African Centre for Cities are opportunities for graduates who are looking to gain workplace experience and exposure to enhance their chances of future employment.
The internship opportunities are identified on an ad hoc basis depending on project needs and advertised here for application.
Internships at the African Centre for Cities are unpaid unless otherwise stated in the advertisement and are for a limited period. All expenses associated with taking up the internship position, such as transport or accommodation in Cape Town, are for the applicant’s own account.
While we consider international applications, students residing in South Africa are encouraged to apply.
PhD students
The African Centre for Cities currently does not have a PhD programme (although we intend to start one in the future). Please direct requests for PhD study to a relevant academic department at the University of Cape Town, such as the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, or the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science.
Research projects might also identify the need for research assistance from doctoral students on an ad hoc basis. If such opportunities become available, they will be advertised here.
Postdoctoral positions
Postdoctoral positions at the African Centre for Cities vary, depending on the project and funding available. All postdoctoral positions at the African Centre for Cities are advertised here.
Visiting scholars
African Centre for Cities occasionally hosts visiting academics for limited periods of time. Visiting scholars may be established academics, postdoctoral research fellows or doctoral students.
Besides gaining access to the UCT libraries, the visits provides the opportunity to connect and interact with ACC’s research staff and on-going projects.
During their stay visiting scholars are expected to contribute to the research culture by giving a public brown bag lecture or academic seminar on their work. Unfortunately, our resources are finite, so we are unable to accept all the requests we receive and can only consider people whose research interests are well matched with our own. It should be noted that we cannot guarantee access to office space.
If your research interests connect closely with those of a staff member or project and you would like to spend some time here, please complete the following form.
ACC prioritises applications from scholars based in Africa. Request are reviewed on an on-going basis and we will respond to you as soon as we can.