Lawhon, M. 2013. Mistra Urban Futures International Pilot Project Phase 1 Output: Baseline Report. (Governance and Policy for Sustainability Project, formerly International Pilot Project)


This report provides a reflection on and assessment of governance, policy and knowledge in urban sustainability in Cape Town. The aim is to inform a comparative review of the governance of and policy regarding urban sustainability across the Mistra Urban Futures Local Interaction Platforms (LIP). The CTLIP is designed around a Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP), which is a partnership programme with the municipal government, the City of Cape Town. The KTP is intended to complement the IP project, and the research being undertaken and partnerships developed in the KTP informs this research. This is intended to be an internal report for comparative purposes, that looks at the baseline of environmental policy in Cape Town, and the kinds of knowledges and stakeholder/governance arrangements that are shaping the baseline. The next step is to look at the gap between policy and practice. But, this can only be understood by understanding the extent of rigour and robustness of the baseline, as it ultimately shapes the transition pathways.