While in “international” northern-based journals publishing the work of African based scholars seems to remain a challenge for editors, African scholars have organised many dynamic venues for publishing urban and African studies research. We have invited African-based scholars who have been involved in leading these initiatives to share their experiences; and editors working on Western-based journals to respond.
We will hear from four African urban scholars, and then three editors of urban studies journals will respond. French Language translation will be available.
– Edgar Pieterse (founding director of the African Centre for Cities; Professor of Urban Policy, University of Cape Town)
– Saheed Aderinto (founder, Lagos Studies Association; Professor of African History at Western Carolina University)
– Nadine Machikou (editor, Politique Africaine; Professor of political science at the University of Yaoundé)
– Kingsley Madueke (Centre for Conflict Management & Peace Studies, University of Jos, Nigeria; PhD University of Amsterdam)
– Vanessa Watson (Global South editor of Urban Studies; Emerita Professor of City Planning in the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics and a founder member of the African Centre for Cities)
– Liza Weinstein (Editor, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (ijurr); Associate Professor of Sociology and Chair of the Sociology and Anthropology Department at Northeastern University)
– Nik Theodore (Interventions editor of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research and past editor of Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography; Professor and Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Policy, as well as the Director of the Center for Urban Economic Development, at the University of Illinois Chicago)