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A Story of a Zambian Planner: Animating Integrity in Urban Planning

3 June, 2021 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm SAST

The FCDO-funded Global Integrity Anti Corruption Evidence Programme supports research teams in not only creating actionable evidence, but deepening engagement with practitioners. The Cities of Integrity research team have tried many different ways to communicate research more effectively with practitioners. Over the course of the project they have developed a series of animated videos illustrating the specific issues of corruption in urban planning and its consequences for cities and their publics. These animations have been used in workshops, social media, and direct engagement with particular groups such as early career planners.

As part of this event the team will screen the series followed by a panel discussion with the animators, the research team, and a representative from the Zambian Institute of Planners. We will discuss the advantages and limitations of using animated film in workshops and communications around integrity-strengthening as a response to corruption in planning. The Cities of Integrity team will reflect on their experience working with the production house in translating their research into accessible language and visuals and hone in on the question of impact together with the Zambian Institute of Planners as a key stakeholder.

Join us for the official premiere of their three-part series of animated shorts.

Zoom Registration

Bart Love – Director, AnotherLoveProduction, Cape Town
Laura Nkula-Wenz – Cities of Integrity, Project Coordinator, African Centre for Cities
Vanessa Watson – Cities of Integrity, Principal Investigator, University of Cape Town
Gilbert Siame – Cities of Integrity, Co- Principal Investigator, University of Zambia
Planner from Zambian Institute of Planning (ZIP)

Anotherlove Productions has been creating engaging visual content for clients from around the world for over a decade. They believe that a well-told visual story – be it an animation, a documentary or an infographic – can challenge, encourage and activate audiences whilst shifting perceptions. For this creative team, a rigorous and engaged production process is as valuable as the final product. They are happiest when their clients have enjoyed working with them, and they have a piece of meaningful and effective media at the end of it.

The Zambian Institute of Planning is a professional corporate body established by the Urban and Regional Planners Act of 2011 of the Laws of Zambia to register and regulate the practice of planning in Zambia

Prof. Vanessa Watson is an emerita professor at the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, University of Cape Town. She is the Principal Investigator for the Cities of Integrity project. Dr. Gilbert Siame is a lecturer at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Zambia (UNZA) as well as the Co-PI and Zambia research lead for Cities of Integrity. Dr. Laura Nkula-Wenz is a lecturer at the African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town and the project lead for Cities of Integrity.


3 June, 2021
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm SAST
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