The Global Nutrition Summit 2017
Unnamed Venue MilanNutrition plays a critical role not only in child health and survival, but also in driving economic prosperity for families and nations. It is encouraging to see increased attention from world leaders to address malnutrition in all its forms and in particular to reduce stunting everywhere. It will take continued efforts and dedication to ensure this progress continues. On Saturday, 4 November the Italian Ministry of Health and the City of Milan, will host The Global Nutrition Summit 2017 in Milan - a high-level event on nutrition and food for healthier futures. The summit will take stock of global progress toward the nutrition-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and World Health Assembly global nutrition targets. They will also make additional commitments under the umbrella of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025), celebrate commitments made this year and discuss further action needed, and launch the 2017 Global Nutrition Report. ACC's Senior Researcher Dr Jane Battersby will present as part of a session entitled Improving nutrition within planetary boundaries: Cities taking the lead during which she will focus on the rapidly shifting nature of malnutrition in Sub-Saharan African cities with overweight status and obesity emerging as new forms of food insecurity while malnutrition persists. Moderator: Dr Gunhild A. Stordalen, President, EAT Foundation Speakers: Mr Tom Arnold, member of the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition Mr Wayne Roberts, PhD, Canadian food policy analyst Dr Jane Battersby, Senior Researcher in Urban Food Systems, African Centre for Cities University of Cape Town Ms Anna Scavuzzo, Vice Mayor of Milan Mr Albert Anda Ntsodo, Councillor of the City of Cape Town