African Mayoral Leadership Initiative (AMALI)

Africa is experiencing unprecedented urbanisation and growth of its youthful populations. This brings with it serious challenges, but also the potential for transformative change. With bold visions and the right support, African city leaders can set their cities on a trajectory to thrive for generations. They can leave a legacy of vibrant cities that become hubs for economic development, great places to live, and offer new models for sustainable and inclusive growth.

The African Mayoral Leadership Initiative (AMALI) seeks to catalyse the transformation of cities in Africa by providing tailored support to city leaders through three key platforms:

The AMALI City Leadership Programme offers a year-long programme that supports mayors in honing the visions for their cities. The participating mayors gain clarity on the teams and tools required to successfully implement their plans and secure support from their constituents and key stakeholders. The programme begins with an immersive, four-day leadership forum at the University of Cape Town, followed by online workshop series and a reunion at the end of the programme.

The AMALI Urban Governance Research Lab provides mayors participating in the AMALI City Leadership Programme with synthesised data on their cities to support their transformation action plans.

The AMALI data programme provides participating mayors with technical assistance, access to experts, and other materials to help them enhance their use of data to deliver results that matter to residents.

AMALI is a partnership of the African Centre for Cities (ACC) Big Win Philanthropy, and Bloomberg Philanthropies. The programme draws on each organisation’s rich experience and expertise to support participating city leaders.