Babette Safougne is a Postdoctoral Researcher for the Urban Governance Research Lab as part of the African Mayoral Leadership Initiative (AMALI). Her research interests lie in the study of challenges and opportunities in the urbanisation process of African cities. More specifically, she is interested in issues such as: Social Construction of the Vulnerabilities in African Cities, Urban Governance, Informality and Urban Health, Climate Risk and Urban Resilience.
Safougne holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Dschang-Cameroon. During her doctoral research, she examined how vulnerable households build resilience in coping with flooding in informal settlements such as the urbanised mangrove of Douala, Cameroon. Her work shows that resilience as manifested in urbanised mangroves could be considered as ‘bad resilience’ characterised by the ability to adapt and redeploy traces of rurality, urban disorder and precariousness that have survived the coupled onslaught of disasters and urban planning of the city of Douala.
Journal articles
- Safougne Djomekui, B. L., & Yemmafouo, A. (2023). Population resilience to flooding in the urbanised mangrove of Douala, Cameroon. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJDRBE-04-2022-0040/full/html?casa_token=SDKGJ3N6TukAAAAA:zk3ygxOMAy4vh5wPbNOvObpv_szmINZZhjuvHKLxVDkMF4tovyg_2qtliG6wDTerF4knCmSCUatNOMvtts6fk_c3h8D-EcuAisKQzmaTGYUziIU45sM
- Safougne Djomekui, B. L., & Yemmafouo, A. (2022). Population resilience to flooding in the urbanised mangrove of Douala, Cameroon. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJDRBE-04-2022-0040/full/html?casa_token=SDKGJ3N6TukAAAAA:zk3ygxOMAy4vh5wPbNOvObpv_szmINZZhjuvHKLxVDkMF4tovyg_2qtliG6wDTerF4knCmSCUatNOMvtts6fk_c3h8D-EcuAisKQzmaTGYUziIU45sM
- Linda, S. D. B., Yemmafouo, A., & Charly, D. N. G. (2020). Problématique de l’approvisionnement en eau potable dans la «mangroville» au sud de Douala, Cameroun. European Scientific Journal, 16(2), 11-29. URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.19044/esj.2020.v16n2p11