The Vice Chancellor of the University of Cape Town is convening an international summit on how the SDGs can best be realised in the African context with an eye on the role of science and mission-driven partnerships.
In the build-up to the Summit, a series of workshops are being organised around seven themes, of which the Circular Economy is one.
WORKSHOP 1 | 17 August, 14:00 to 16:15
The first workshop will explore the definitional debates around the circular economy with an emphasis on the state of macro scholarship and policy positions adopted by select African governments and civil society actors.
Register here
WORKSHOP 2 | 31 August, 14:00 to 16:15
The second workshop will be an exploration of circular economy applications through case studies with an eye on research questions and issues.
Register here
These workshops are open to all who are involved in Circular Economy related work and research.