During 2014 Mary Lawhon, Jon Silver and Henrik Ernstson will be organizing a series of special sessions on “Pluralizing the Approaches to Urban Political Ecology in a ‘World of Cities’”. The aim is to discuss how we in the coming decade can create a broad and rich repertoire for unpacking urban political ecologies in a ‘world of cities’ that can handle and take into account a broad experience of urbanization across the world.
This effort is part of the SUPE Platform’s longer commitment to contribute to the field. The first special session will be in February 27 – March 1 at DOPE, the Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference in Lexington. Please see instructions here on how to send in an abstract. Similar sessions will be organized in March 27-29 at the Southern African Cities Conference in Johannesburg**, and in August 24-29 at the Royal Society of Geographers with IGB in London.
**Note: In Johannesburg the organizers divide talks into session so we might not get as clear gathering here, but we will still aim to connect with other presenters.