Established in 2007, the African Centre for Cities (ACC) at the University of Cape Town seeks to facilitate critical urban research and policy discourses for the promotion of vibrant, democratic and sustainable urban development in the global South from an African perspective using interdisciplinary approaches. The ACC invites applications for one post-doctoral opportunity focusing on socio-cultural and resilient transformations. The post-doctoral fellowship will involve working on two interrelated streams of research at the ACC linking firstly, a study of histories of risk and resilience in African cities to secondly, using artful methods of qualitative research on values underpinning resilience. In addition, the post-doctoral fellow will be involved in comparative research between different cities on intangible heritage spaces and practices.
Conditions of Awards
To be eligible for the Post-Doctoral funding, applicants must have obtained their doctorate no more than five years ago in a field related to arts, culture and heritage, and with a knowledge of resilience and urban transformation, and must not have held a established teaching post in a an institution of higher education. Teaching experience and a publication record will be an advantage. Applicants must be citizens of an African Union country, but preference will be given to South African candidates. Successful applicants will commence in 2017 and the award is tenable for a period of 12 months and is not renewable. Successful applicants will receive an annual amount of R280 000 (Mistra Urban Futures and UrbanArk).
PhD and Post-Doctoral Funding Expectations
Successful applicants will be expected to participate actively in vibrant ACC and UCT research community, produce annual reports and provide a final report at the conclusion of the funding that includes: an abstract of the research conducted and copies of publications resulting from the research. Successful applicants will also be expected to present their research as part of the Brown Bag or Academic Seminar Series each year of their funding.
Application Guidance
To apply for the PhD and Post-Doctoral Funding submit the following materials:
- Cover page (please include: name, title of proposal)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Names as contacts of at least two academic referees
- Expression of interest (EOI) that motivates for the applicants suitability for the position. Three pages maximum, typed, 12 pt font, include references/bibliography.
- Proof of PhD degree prior to assignment start date
Please note that your application will be considered incomplete if submitted without the required information, and will not be reviewed. We reserve the right not to appoint.
Questions of clarity can be submitted via email to Complete applications must be submitted in hard copy or via email to no later than 31 December 2017 or delivered to: Mrs. Maryam Waglay, Senior Secretary, African Centre for Cities, Environmental and Geographical Science Building, Level 2, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa