Philippa Tumubweinee

Philippa Tumubweinee

Research Associate



Philippa Nyakato Tumubweinee is an Associate Professor in the department of Architecture, Planning & Geomatics (APG) at the University of Cape Town (UCT), and convenor of the first year class in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies at UCT. Tumubweinee is also a researcher at the African Centre for Cities (ACC), the Curator and strategic support for the UCT University of the Futures Project, a board member for the University’s Intellectual Property Advisory Committee (IPAC), and a practicing Architect at Stewart & Partners (S&P) based in Cape Town.

Tumubweinee holds the following qualifications: DPhil, University of the Free State (2019), MArchProf, University of Pretoria (2007) and BAS, University of the Witwatersrand (2002)


Journal Articles

  • Walters, C., Bam, A. & Tumubweinee, P. (2022). The precarity of women’s academic work and careers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A South African case study. South African Journal of Science118(5-6), 1-8.
  • Tumubweinee, P. & Luescher, T.M. (2019). Inserting Space into the Transformation of Higher Education. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 7(1), 1‑13.
  • Tumubweinee, P. & Luescher, T.M. (2019). Space, Language and Identity Politics in Higher Education. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 7(1), v-xi.
  • Tumubweinee, P. & Luescher, T. (eds). (2019) Guest editorial: space, language, identity and the student movement. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa. 7(1):v-xi.

Popular media

  • Philippa Tumubweinee. 2020. Sunday Times Lifestyle’s How She Does It – Philippa Tumubweinee (
  • Philippa Tumubweinee. 2015. A city as social space | TEDxUFS (