Society of South African Geography/African Centre for Cities

9 September, African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town



The Writing Workshop will focus on supporting the development of scholarly academic journal publishing in geography and urban studies. The Workshop draws emerging scholars together with senior colleagues to share experiences in publishing and provide precise and rigorous feedback on papers each participant has prepared for publication. Intended to ‘grow our own timber,’ the Workshop is one of a number of initiatives aimed foremost to provide support critical to entry into active publishing, projects aimed to strengthen Geography and urban studies as disciplines in South Africa and the broader region.


Purpose and Process

The format of the workshop is designed to encourage intensive discussion on submitted papers; a process intended to provide constructive feedback for each participating author. Papers are organized loosely into panels. To build our collective discussion and to workshop the papers individually, we have invited discussants to provide commentary on each panel. Authors of papers will therefore not present their papers, but will have time to respond to the discussant comments following the presentation and prior to the opening of the discussion to the broader group. This workshop method is intended to facilitate discussion and is based on the commitment that we have all read the papers prior to the workshop. All draft papers will be uploaded onto the workshop site (hosted by UCT).


Speakers Include:

Noeleen Murray (University of Witwatersrand)

Cecil Seethal (UNISA)

Gustav Visser (University of Stellenbosch)

Clive Barnett (University of Exeter)