This Facilitator’s Guide prepared by UN-Habitat and Cities Alliance accompanies the Quick Guides for Policy Makers: Housing the Poor in African Cities series. The Facilitator’s Guide comes with a USB flash drive containing the Quick Guides series, PowerPoint presentations on each Quick Guide, and videos that can be used in training activities. The training pack is intended for the use of training institutions in Africa and other interested institutions.
The training pack focuses on experiential training, which draws on the experience of the workshop participants and emphasises the sharing of ideas and opinions.
The Quick Guides series covers the following housing- related themes (and can also be downloaded here):
01: Urban Africa: Reviews urbanization in Africa and proposes a range of policies and strategies that can steer urban development in positive directions.
02: Low-Income Housing: Describes different approaches for improving the housing and living environments of people living in slums and informal settlements.
03: Land: Discusses access to land in African cities and identifies strategies for making land more accessible for the poor.
04: Eviction: Discusses alternatives to evictions, the impact of evictions and guidelines to follow before, during and after evictions.
05: Housing Finance: Introduces some of the key concepts of housing finance, provides an overview of how a housing finance system works and offers advice to policy makers for improving access to affordable housing finance.
06: Community-Based Organizations (CBOs): Considers how governments and other policy makers can work with CBOs to address the problems that the poor experience in urban settlements.
07: Rental Housing: Discusses why rental housing exists, identifies the characteristics of good quality rental housing and presents policy options for promoting the expansion of rental housing.
08: Local Government: Provides an overview of local government in Africa and discusses the urban challenges and opportunities local authorities face and shows how physical, economic and social development need to be integrated in order to promote effective urban development schemes.