African Centre for Cities, along with Prodig, French National Centre for Scientific Research, French Institute of South Africa and the French Institute for Research in Africa, are presenting a one-day workshop entitled Cities, geo-technologies and data-driven urbanism.
The programme is structured into four sessions with two sessions of strategic input from research and practice by various presenters (see below) and two work sessions to discuss and synthesize the inputs.
WHEN: Monday, 11 June 2018
TIME: 08:30 to 16:45
WHERE: Room 3B, RW James Building, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town
While a curated group of people have been invited to the workshop, five places are still available. These places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. To secure your spot send an email to or call +2772 250 7804.
Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives on cities and geo-technologies – Elisabeth Peyroux, National Centre for Scientific Research, Prodig, & Nancy Odendaal, School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, UCT
Technology and spatial governance in Southern cities – Nancy Odendaal, School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, UCT
(Big) Data, knowledge, and their use in decision-making and policy-making: Perspectives from ICT4D – Ulrike Rivett, Department of Information Systems, School of IT, UCT
Disruptive technologies, new power relationships and challenges to urban governance – Sabelo Mahlangu, School of Architecture and Planning, Wits University & Samy Katumba, Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO)
Linking research, practice and higher education – Herrie Schalekamp, Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS), UCT
Geospatial data analysis: The significant rise in local service levels coming from Cityspec intervention in Monwabisi Park and Lotus Park (Cape Town) – Chris Berens, GIS expert, Knowledge Management, VPUU & Nhlanhla May, Spatial Data Analyst, VPUU
City making and the rise of urban and technology-oriented development interventions in Nairobi – Prince Guma, Human geography and Planning, University of Utrecht
ICT for e-Culture: cultural storytelling and innovative services. The “Smart Square” in Hamburg and its application in Cape Town – Sumarie Roodt, Department of Information Systems, Commerce Faculty UCT & Jens Bley, HafenCity University
Demo of 3D scanning technologies applied to the built environment – Jason Stapleton CEO Metascale Services and Consulting (MSC)