African Infrastructure Futures: Building Common Purpose for Urban Success
The African Centre for Cities, along with its hosting partners, convene the African Infrastructure Futures Conference from 21-23 November 2022, in Cape Town, South Africa.
The African Centre for Cities, along with its hosting partners, convene the African Infrastructure Futures Conference from 21-23 November 2022, in Cape Town, South Africa.
In 2021 the African Centre for Cities (ACC), an action-oriented research hub based at the University of Cape Town and UNITAC, the result of a partnership between the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the United Nations Office for Information and Communication Technology (UN OICT), and the City Science Lab @HafenCity University in Hamburg (CSL), initiated a collaborative platform for shared research interests under the banner of the Urban Academy. The collaboration is based on a shared interest in unpacking the intersection of technology, society, and cities to examine democratic decision-making, new models of service delivery, and the future of work. Supported by the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, we are delighted to invite you to the official launch of the Urban Academy on the 6 December 2022 that will be facilitated by Nokukhanya Mncwabe, a human rights consultant who enjoys forming, implementing and pulling apart policies and projects, forging friendships across geographies and disciplines, and being a tourist at home (Africa). WHEN | Tuesday, 6 December 2022 TIME | 15:00-18:00 SAST WHERE | Workshop 17, 32 Kloof Street, Gardens, Cape Town RSVP | Please send an email to Panel one: Introducing the Urban Academy: Smart Cities, Clever Urbanism In the first panel, partnering directors Edgar Pieterse (ACC) and Gesa Ziemer (UNITAC and City Science Lab) will introduce why thinking about people-centred smartness is important for urban sustainability and justice from their different perspectives. Panel two: RISE Cities: Different approaches to make our cities more resilient, intelligent, sustainable, and equitable This interactive panel hosted by RISE Cities explores innovative urban practices in achieving resilient, intelligent, sustainable and equitable solutions and the role of responsible leadership. We are happy to invite the following to share their perspectives and facilitate their reflections: Resilience – Dr Rudi Kimmie, TSIBA Intelligence – Saidah Nash Carter, Bright Insights Global Sustainability – Murendi Mafumo, Kusini Water Equity – Brian Green, Group 44 Panel three: Young and Online in African Cities: people-centred smartness and urban wellbeing In the third panel we explore tech-enabled ways of making lives in African cities. The following panellists will bring brief reflections into a wider conversation about what it takes to shape research agendas about the role of technology in urban justice. It is also an opportunity to introduce a new collaboration under the Urban Academy, supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung entitled Young and Online in African Cities. Rike Sitas - Introduction: Youth in digital city-making Daanyaal Loofer - From undersea cables to street corners: smart African cities Alicia Fortuin - Platformization and the future of work Neil Hassan - Safe queer digital spaces Liza Cirolia - Techno-ambivalence and socio-technical infrastructure Hilke Berger - A research agenda for the Urban Academy? Space is limited so please RSVP to with the subject line: Urban Academy RSVP. If you require any further information, please contact
ACC invites you to join us as researcher Andrea Pollio reflects on his time as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow jointly at the African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town, and at the department of Urban and Regional Studies (DIST) at the Polytechnic of Turin.
Join ACC as we host a seminar by Jocelyn Poe, Visiting Assistant Professor and Provost Faculty Fellow at Cornell University, for a seminar entitled On Trauma Imaginaries: Exploring the Intersections of Race, Place, and Planning, on Tuesday, 14 February at 3:30.
ACC invites you to join us as we host the editor of Critical Neighbourhoods – The Architecture of Contested Communities, Paulo Moreira, Porto-based architect and researcher on Wednesday, 15 February for a lunchtime talk on the book.
African Centre for Cities is delighted to invite you to the launch of Disrupted Urbanism: Situated Smart Initiatives in African Cities by Prof Nancy Odendaal, Head of Department, School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, University of Cape Town (UCT).
African Centre for Cities invites you to the launch of theoriSE: debating the southeastern turn in urban studies, edited by Oren Yiftachel and Nisa Mammon.
The African Centre for Cities, through Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), are calling for scholarship applications for 2024. DAAD are offering five In-Region Scholarships* for students from Sub-Saharan Africa who enrol for the MPhil Southern Urbanism (Masters in Urban Studies) programme at the University of Cape Town. If you are interested in applying for the scholarship but have questions, join MPhil Southern Urbanism convenor Anna Selmeczi for this information session. WHEN | Tuesday, 4 April 2023 TIME | 12:00-13:00 SAST REGISTER HERE
African Centre for Cities is hosting a seminar by visiting scholar Julien Migozzi, an Urban Studies Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford. Migozzi will present Segregation “bit by bit”: digital technologies, housing market and the remaking of post-apartheid Cape Town, on 19 April, from 13:00-14:00.
On the first UN Science, Technology and Innovation in Africa Day, 2 May 2023the International Science Council together with the African Centre for Cities present webinar aimed at exploring effective ways of accelerating local action towards the implementation of the SDGs in African cities.
African Centre for Cities hosts visiting scholar Marco Di Nunzio for a seminar entitled On tactical planning, on Thursday, 11 May 2023, from 13:00-14:00.
The Nourished Child project took a lived experience approach to understanding how systems interacted in the lives of women to shape their and their children's quality of diet. Central to the project was the development of a range of creative dissemination tools to engage policy makers, and increase community agency. In this presentation Jane Battersby reflects on the process, politics, and outcomes of the project, and the potential of projects of this kind to affect long term transformative change. Ahead of the presentation, you can also view the Nourished Child exhibition in the foyer of the Environmental and Geographical Sciences Building. WHEN | Monday, 15 May 2023 TIME | 13:00-14:00 VENUE |Studio 3, Environmental and Geographical Sciences Building, Upper Campus, UCT
If you are interested in applying for the MPhil Southern Urbanism programme but still have some questions? This info session, hosted by programme convenor, Dr Anna Selmeczi will provide a brief overview of the pedagogical approach, programme structure and entry requirements, as well as discussion time to answer all your questions.
From siloed practitioner to systems integrator for sustainable African city futures – the new Masters programme, convened by the African Centre for Cities, at the University of Cape Town cultivates a new generation of urban practitioner. The complex, multi-dimensional demands of our rapidly urbanising world require holistic, inter-disciplinary thinking and practice. However traditional professional paradigms and often-siloed institutions seem doomed to replicate the entrenched patterns and practices of path-dependent urban infrastructure provision and management. To overcome the often-fragmented ways in which urban questions are framed, institutionalised, and engaged by varied levels of government, citizens, civil society organisations, and private sector actors, we need a new kind of urban practitioner, who can work across practices, professional norms, hierarchies, sectors and urban problems. To meet this need, the African Centre for Cities (ACC), UCT, launched a Masters in Sustainable Urban Practice, which seeks to cultivates urban integrators who are able to discern opportunities for integration, and can build the necessary coalitions for change; who are confident in varied cultures of communication and can build bridges between sectors, fields, and scales of urban practice. Join this information session with programme convenor Dr Mercy Brown-Luthango. WHEN | Friday, 25 August 2023 TIME | 12:30-13:30 SAST REGISTER HERE MORE ABOUT THE PROGRAMME
Join ACC and the Michaelis Galleries for a lunchtime lecture by Dr Kim Gurney on her latest book Panya Routes: Independent art spaces in Africa, on Thursday, 31 August 2023, 13:00-14:00 at the Michaelis Lecture Theatre.
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