Ma in Sustainable Urban Practice Info Session

From siloed practitioner to systems integrator for sustainable African city futures – the new Masters programme, convened by the African Centre for Cities, at the University of Cape Town cultivates a new generation of urban practitioner. The complex, multi-dimensional demands of our rapidly urbanising world require holistic, inter-disciplinary thinking and practice. However traditional professional paradigms...

Lunchtime Lecture: Panya Routes – From platform to plotform

Join ACC and the Michaelis Galleries for a lunchtime lecture by Dr Kim Gurney on her latest book Panya Routes: Independent art spaces in Africa, on Thursday, 31 August 2023, 13:00-14:00 at the Michaelis Lecture Theatre.

INFO SESSION | DAAD MPhil Southern Urbanism Scholarships

The African Centre for Cities, through Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), are calling for scholarship applications for 2025. DAAD are offering five In-Region Scholarships* for students from Sub-Saharan Africa who enrol for the MPhil Southern Urbanism (Masters in Urban Studies) programme at the University of Cape Town. If you are interested in applying for the scholarship but have questions,...

ACC Brown Bag – Living Off-Grid: Reflections from Ghana and Zimbabwe

Studio 1, Environmental and Geographical Science Building, Upper Campus, UCT

Speakers: Percy Toriro – University of Zimbabwe and Issahaka Fuseini – University of Ghana Join this discussion between Percy Toriro and Issahaka Fuseini, who will share findings from their work as city partners in the LOGIC (off-grid) project. Percy will engage the theme of ‘Electricity visits us’: the challenges of living with poor infrastructure and services...


APG Foyer, Centlivres Building Upper Campus University of Cape Town

The ‘Urban Everyday’ offers a perspective on city-making that explores agency found in intersecting practices of occupation and adaptation, engagement and participation, resistance and protest, as well as waiting, encountering and imagining the city, its inhabitants and the state. In tracking diverse forms of agency, this framework of urban inquiry explores the substance of the city – its housing...

Info Session – MPhil Southern Urbanism

The MPhil Southern Urbanism is designed to cultivate the next generation of urban thinkers from the South, who are rooted in the realities, theories and practise of cities of the Global South. Drawing together a diverse cohort of scholar and practitioners, the programme uses a combination of guided learning in small-group seminars, experimentation in various...

Brownbag seminar_ACCRETION THROUGH FRICTION: examining garbage flows in Dakar’s Baie de Hann

Studio 1, Environmental and Geographical Science Building, Upper Campus, UCT

Once the second most beautiful to the bay of Rio de Janeiro, Dakar’s Baie de Hann is now known for its pollution. A largely EU-funded infrastructure project (2017-2021) promised to resolve the bay’s challenges. Jonas Le Thierry d’Ennequin challenges this modernist project from an Urban Political Ecology perspective. By examining how the bay’s infrastructure flows...

Brownbag seminar: African Landscape Architectures_Alternative futures for the field

EGS Library, EGS Building, Upper Campus, UCT

Based on landscape fieldwork across 11 African nations during 2022–23, this talk speculates on the future of landscape architecture in Africa and the Global South. While visiting educational programs, designed landscapes, and meeting practitioners across African nations, Gareth Doherty saw and registered various landscape practices as they exist on the ground, whether professionally designed or...