MPhil Southern Urbanism Info Session

The MPhil Southern Urbanism programme is conceived of, and designed to cultivate a new generation of urban scholars rooted in the realities and theories of Southern cities. The programme as an intellectual project has its foundations in Urban Studies as a scholarly debate and as an interdisciplinary imperative situated in the complex realities of African...

Shifting systems: infrastructure innovation for sustainable African cities

Africa’s cities are amongst the fastest growing in the world and present an unprecedented opportunity to leapfrog unsustainable urban development patterns observed elsewhere. This requires an ability to imagine the innovative possibilities for African cities, and ongoing learning by decision makers to break inertia. This is the first in a series of sessions at Rise...

INFO SESSION | Systems Integrators for Sustainable African Cities

From siloed practitioner to systems integrator for sustainable African city futures – the new Masters programme, convened by the African Centre for Cities, at the University of Cape Town cultivates a new generation of urban practitioner. The complex, multi-dimensional demands of our rapidly urbanising world require holistic, inter-disciplinary thinking and practice. However traditional professional paradigms...

Next Practice Urbanisation – an International Building Exhibition in Africa!

ACC together with GIZ is hosting a session entitled Next Practice Urbanisation – an International Building Exhibition in Africa!, as part of the Urban Library at the World Urban Forum, which takes place from 26-30 June 2022 in Katowice, Poland.  The GIZ together with the African Centre for Cities, and the London School of Economics...

MPhil Southern Urbanism Info Session

The MPhil Southern Urbanism is designed to cultivate the next generation of urban thinkers from the South, who are rooted in the realities, theories and practise of cities of the Global South. Drawing together a diverse cohort of scholar and practitioners, the programme utilises a combination of guided learning in small-group seminars, experimentation in various...

OPEN DAY | MPhil Southern Urbanism

Join the African Centre for Cities for the MPhil Southern Urbanism Open Day to learn about the programme.

Power Talks Public Discussion

Join ACC and the Goethe Institut for a reflection session on Power Talks, a programme which explored the nuanced forms, dynamics and functions of power in creative and cultural sectors in South Africa. 

LAUNCHING THE URBAN ACADEMY: Smart cities, clever urbanism: digitally enabled practices in urban Africa

Workshop 17 32 Kloof Street, Cape Town

In 2021 the African Centre for Cities (ACC), an action-oriented research hub based at the University of Cape Town and UNITAC, the result of a partnership between the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the United Nations Office for Information and Communication Technology (UN OICT), and the City Science Lab @HafenCity University in Hamburg (CSL),...

Ma in Sustainable Urban Practice Info Session

From siloed practitioner to systems integrator for sustainable African city futures – the new Masters programme, convened by the African Centre for Cities, at the University of Cape Town cultivates a new generation of urban practitioner. The complex, multi-dimensional demands of our rapidly urbanising world require holistic, inter-disciplinary thinking and practice. However traditional professional paradigms...